> Tom Cruise finds Nicole Kidman's incessant tirades about their...

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Tom Cruise finds Nicole Kidman's incessant tirades about their...

 Tom Cruise finds Nicole Kidman's incessant tirades about their...

Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman were wed from 1990 to 2001.

According to reports, even while discussing their joint professional endeavors, Tom Cruise gets "irritated" with Nicole Kidman's constant remarks about their past.

According to an article in InTouch Weekly, Tom Cruise is apparently "irritated" by Nicole Kidman's repeated remarks about their time together, even when she talks about their working time.

Kidman consistently disparages their background, even in the workplace.

It is true that Kidman frequently appears to be reliving memories from her previous union with the Mission Impossible actor. Similar to last month, the Oscar-winning actor said to the Los Angeles Times, "I suppose he was mining it," in reference to how their marriage served as inspiration for Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut. Ideas were things that [Kubrick] was considering. He would have a lot of inquiries. However, he felt strongly about the narrative he was narrating. He did comment, "Triangles are hard," as I recall. When there is a triangle, you have to proceed with caution.

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