> Biden judgment,

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Biden judgment,

 Biden attacks correspondents getting some information about age worries after unique direction report: 'That is your judgment!'

Something the extraordinary direction said in his report is that one reason you were not charged is on the grounds that, in his depiction, you are a 'good natured, old man with an unfortunate memory,'" Doocy said.

"I'm good natured and I'm an older man and I understand what on God's green earth I'm doing," Biden answered. "I've been president and I set this nation back on its feet. I needn't bother with his suggestion "

"How awful is your memory? Furthermore, might you at any point go on as president?" Doocy inquired.

"My memory is so awful I let you speak," Biden shot back

The truth is, is what I didn't need rehashed I didn't need him to not-I didn't peruse it to him… I had composed a long reminder to President Obama why we ought not be in Afghanistan. Also, it was different pages," Biden said. "Thus, while I was alluding to-I said ordered, I ought to have said, it ought to be private since it was a contact between the president and VP concerning what was happening. He was alluding to that. It was not grouped data in that archive. That was not ordered."

Hur, who was selected by Head legal officer Merrick Festoon to research Biden's treatment of grouped reports, closed he wouldn't get charges against him part in light of the fact that a jury would view him as a "thoughtful, good natured old man with an unfortunate memory," notwithstanding the affirmation that the records were "unyieldingly" got by Biden both as VP and as a representative.

In his meeting with our office, Mr. Biden's memory was more terrible," the report states. "He didn't recollect when he was VP, failing to remember on the main day of the meeting when his term finished ('on the off chance that it was 2013 — when did I quit being Bad habit President?'), and failing to remember on the second day of the meeting when his term started ('in 2009, am I still Bad habit President?')."

"He didn't recall, even in no less than quite a long while, when his child Playmate kicked the bucket," the report proceeded. "What's more, his memory seemed foggy while portraying the Afghanistan banter that was once so critical to him. In addition to other things, he erroneously said he 'had a genuine distinction' of assessment with General Karl Eikenberry, when, as a matter of fact, Eikenberry was a partner whom Mr. Biden refered to favorably in his Thanksgiving notice to President Obama."

These disclosures, notwithstanding his new slew of errors, keep on filling worries among citizens that 81-year-old Biden is excessively old to look for a subsequent term, which surveys have over and over shown.

Be that as it may, Hur's report uncovered Biden had a "foggy" memory about when he was beforehand in office and when his child Playmate kicked the bucket.

Numerous [of the] American individuals have been watching, and they have communicated worries about your age," Lee said.

"That is your judgment!" Biden yelled at her. "That is your judgment! That isn't the judgment of the press."

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