Jawahar Singh, the "Yamraj" of the Indore police, passes away in an accident while caring for a cow.
'Yamraj', police chief constable Jawahar Singh Yadav, passes away from a terrible electric shock.(On Facebook) |
Jawahar Singh Yadav, the top constable of the Indore police force and dubbed "Yamraj" for his awareness-raising efforts, passed away from an electric shock while caring for his cow.
Jawahar Singh Yadav, the head constable of Indore Police's "Yamraj," died from an electric shock while tending to his cow, which also perished in the incident.
In order to raise awareness and encourage people to stay at home and get vaccinated, Yadav gained notoriety during the COVID-19 pandemic by posing as Yamraj, the Hindu god of death.
He became well-known after wearing the Yamraj costume in campaigns to encourage two-wheeler users to wear helmets. His images and videos went popular on social media.